ONN Health Initiatives
The purpose of ONN health initiatives is to improve the health and well-being of the Williamson County area population or community by addressing health challenges and disparities.
Engaging with community members through public forums, surveys, and community meetings so that a healthy dialogue is established and they have easy access to essential healthcare information.
Improving community access to essential healthcare services, including hospitals, clinics, mobile health clinics, and telemedicine services.
Promoting the importance and effectiveness of preventative healthcare strategies using nutrition education, physical activity initiatives, and programs that help community members stop smoking and curb addiction issues.
Directly addressing the social, economic, and environmental factors that challenge community health with innovative solutions and programs.
Building key partnerships with healthcare providers, businesses, schools, religious organizations, and other community groups to collectively tackle health issues as a team.

Making Our Presence Known at the Round Rock Annual 5k
Collectively coming together at the 2024 Round Rock Donut Dash community event with members of Omicron Nu Nu to make our presence known and that we are concerned with the issues affecting our communities.
Physical Fitness Activities
Voters must be registered to be eligible to participate in an election. Voter registration is intended to ensure that everyone entitled to vote can do so, to prevent ineligible persons from voting, and to guard against multiple voting by the same individual. The accuracy of the voter register is a key element in ensuring that all qualified citizens can enjoy the right to vote. It doesn't matter your party affiliation.

Educational Events
Voter education provides potential voters with the necessary information to make an informed choice in the voting booth. Voter education should also include information on when, where, and how to register to vote and when, where, and how to vote.
Why does wellness education matter?
Elections cannot be genuinely democratic unless voters understand the differences among the contestants so that they can cast an informed vote. Voters must also understand how to vote on election day, or risk missing the opportunity, having their ballot disqualified for being improperly marked, or facing another issue that restricts or eliminates their ability to participate.
Voter mobilization is about empowering citizens to participate in the democratic process. Vote mobilizations can be achieved through various means, such as education, outreach, and peer-to-peer contact.
High voter turnout is crucial to the integrity of the democratic process. A more diverse and representative electorate leads to more balanced and equitable policy decisions. Representative democracies, huge ones like the United States, rely on voter mobilization efforts to ensure our elected officials represent the varying needs and opinions of the American public.